پادکست انگلیسی INFINITY

پادکست انگلیسی بینهایت شماره 2 – The Story of the Old Watch

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پادکست چیست؟

پادکست به زبان ساده یعنی صدای ضبط شده‌ای که در اینترنت منتشر می‌کنند و هرکسی می‌تواند به این محتوای صوتی گوش دهد. این محتوای صوتی می‌تواند صحبت‌های یک نفر درباره موضوعی خاص، یک مکالمه چند نفره، تعریف کردن خلاصه کتاب‌ها، آموزش زبان، یا موضوع دیگری باشد.کلمه‌ی پادکست (Podcast) از ترکیب دو واژه‌ی پاد (Pod) و برودکست (broadcast) تشکیل شده است. منظور از پاد همان دستگاه‌های آی‌پاد است. به این معنی که پادکست محتوایی قابل‌حمل است و می‌توانید در هرجایی به آن گوش کنید.


فواید گوش‌کردن به پادکست چیست؟

پادکست گوش‌کردن باعث افزایش قابل‌توجه زمان صرف‌شده برای یادگیری می‌شود. حتی اگر روزی چند دقیقه‌ی کوتاه هم باشد بی‌فایده نیست. آنچه یاد می‌گیرید، جایی بدون اینکه انتظارش را داشته باشید به‌دردتان خواهد خورد. همچنین، پادکست‌ها می‌توانند بسیار الهام‌بخش باشند و حتی باهوش‌ترتان کنند. مطالعات نشان داده است که پادکست گوش‌کردن با فوایدی ازجمله تقویت مهارت‌های شنیداری و بهبود تمرکز همراه است.


تاثیر پادکست انگلیسی در یادگیری زبان

گوش دادن به پادکست ها راهی مؤثر برای تقویت زبان انگلیسی است. شما میتوانید با گوش کردن به پادکست های انگلیسی مهارت شنیداری خود را تقویت کنید، تلفظ صحیح لغات را متوجه شوید، واژگان جدید بیاموزید، با لهجه ها و گویش های مخنلف اشنا شوید و ….


نکاتی برای استفاده موثر از پادکست ها

  • روزانه به پادکست ها گوش دهید.
  • پادکست هایی با موضوع موردعلاقه خود پیدا کنید.
  • سعی کنید پادکست های مختلف را همراه با متن(transcript) گوش کنید.
  • در مرحله بعد بدون نگاه کردن به متن پادکست را گوش کنید تا گوش و ذهن خود را به چالش بکشید.


پادکست انگلیسی بینهایت شماره 2 – The Story of the Old Watch

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متن(transcript) پادکست:

I want to share a very important story with you today. It’s a story I think everyone should here. Before he died, a father said to his son: Here is a watch your grandfather gave me … it is almost 200 years old. Before I give it to you, go to the jewelry store in the city. Tell them that I want to sell it, and see how much they offer. The son went to the jewelry story, came back to his father, and said: They offered $100 because it is so old. The father said: well, try the pawnshop. The son went to the pawnshop, came back to his father, and said: The pawnshop offered only $20 because it has a scratch. The father asked his son to go to the museum and show them the watch.

The son quietly questioned his father’s judgement, but still willing to act on his last wishes he went to the museum, when he came back he said to his father: The curator offered $375,000 for this rare piece to be included in their precious antique collection. The father responded: I wanted to show you that the right place will value you in the right way. Don’t find yourself in the wrong place and get angry because you are not valued. Never stay in a place where someone doesn’t see your value or you don’t feel appreciated. If you don’t know your value, you will always settle for far less that you deserve. People who don’t know their value settle for far less that they are worth.


In relationships… or their friendships… when it comes to their profession… or their job… they  know they are worth more… but they settle for someone else’s definition of their worth. That is the difference between most people and the few. That is the difference between people who  love the life they have created for themselves and those who can’t stand the life they are living…
You have to know your worth. Most people will allow just about anyone to influence their perception of themselves…But people who love their life refuse to accept the opinions of small minded people…They refuse to be put in a box… They will not be defined by anyone but themselves.


They know their value is set, by themselves by their own thoughts about who they are, Not someone else’s opinion of what they are worth. Don’t let them put a price on you. You set your own price. And don’t go giving discounts to other people so you can fit in or be liked…People pleasers newer end up happy in the end. Put yourself first. You must build your self-worth. By the work you do every day. You build it by the way that you show up every single day day in day out no excuses no shortcuts just a relentless dedication to be the best that you can be.If you have someone in your life that tries to diminish your abilities in any way. The time has come to move those people along.


It’s time to awaken that part of you that demands more from your life. Because only you know what you are truly capable of. It’s time to wake up and shock the world shock those who doubted you with a disturbing level of determination. Shock those who doubt you with a commitment to excellence that cannot be matched by those of weak heart. Shock those who doubted you with the actions you take. Today as you draw a line in the sand and  commit to becoming the person no one thought  you could be. Because only you know what you are truly capable of. In this world only you have to earn the respect of one person. That person is you.


You determine the level, you demand of yourself. It’s time to demand more, it’s time to prove once and for all who you are who you will become. And what you will never settle for again. Raise
your standards rise up to a higher level and let no one question your integrity again day by day, brick by brick you start now. You build the foundations through the self-work you put in every single day. Build yourself up by becoming an unbreakable force… and unstoppable machine.


Fueled by the results you get from the work you put in today and every day… from this day  until your last day no more will you settle for someone else’s opinion of your value now you determine your value through your self-work your self-education your self-determination of your own destiny. The destiny that is in your hands your price grows stronger every day from the work you put in the time for change is now. When it comes to your own self-worth there is no tomorrow.

Know your worth and never ever settle for anything less..


گوش دادن به پادکست روش خوبی برای تقویت مهارت شنیداری و هم چنین یادگرفتن کلمات در بستر یک موضوع خاصه که این به تقویت مهارت مکالمه انگلیسی نیز کمک زیادی می کنه. امدواریم از شنیدن پادکست انگلیسی The Story of the Old Watch لذت و بهره کافی رو برده باشد.